Tuindorp-Oostzaan and Molenwijk Commemoration
4 MAY 2023
18:00 — 21:00
Attention! This event has already passed.
Commemorate the war with readings, a silent march and two-minutes of silence in Tuindorp-Oostzaan and Molenwijk.
Everyone is welcome to attend the commemoration in Tuindorp-Oostzaan and Molenwijk.
Bethelkerk, Plejadenplein
Remembrance service including readings by students, videos, a speaker and a performance by Tuindorp Oostzaan brass band.
The silent march begins at Bethelkerk and takes participants through Tuindorp Oostzaan to the monument located at the start of the Meteorensingel, where the commemoration will take place.
Meteorensingel Monument
Programme featuring Tuindorp Oostzaan brass band, poems and a contribution by a District Administrator.
Two minutes of silence, followed by wreath-laying at the Meteorenweg monument.
Coffee and tea at the monument.